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Biostatistics For The Health Sciences

Written By Blair, Cliff and Taylor, Richard
2008, Edition 1
Category: Health Sciences
Level: Introductory

Prentice-Hall Publishing Inc.
U.S. Highway 9W
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632
United States of America
URL: http://vig.prenhall.com/
Phone: 800-223-1360

About This Book

This book provides a solid foundation in introductory biostatistics with up-to-date methods, lucid explanations, and a modern approach. Explains commonly used biostatistical methods, such as odds and risk ratios, and Fisher's exact test, in a clear and thorough manner. Introduces equivalence testing in a variety of research settings. Presents nonparametric methods in a modern light, couched in the broader context of permutation-based methods. Provides real-world data with case studies consisting of synopses of published research. Provides step-by-step solutions to exercises, along with pertinent equations used in obtaining the solution and page numbers of relevant discussions.

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